Agri Purchase - Agriculture App 9
This application helps trades or purchasers of agriculturalproductsin keeping a record of their purchases. Traders just haveto enterthe details of purchase made ,e.g. name and aadhar numberof theirsupplier,broker /supplier name,quantity,rate,cut bags,deductions,etc. and the app will generate a bill showing all thedetails andthe final amount to be paid to the supplier. User canshare thisbill with their supplier or can take a printout of thebill, a copyof the bill will be saved in user's device. Details ofthe purchasesmade like net quantity,number of bags ,supplierdetails ,net amountwill be saved in database and can be viewed inanytime. Records canbe sorted date wise,item wise and broker wise.Excel file can begenerated for all the purchase records. All therecords can be savedin Google Drive ,so that users don’t losetheir data even if theychange their device.
Steel TMT RebarCost Calculator 25
This app is for steel rebar sellers.
Income Expense- daily expenses 180
Expense manager app for personal finance, day to day expenses andmonthly budget
Cash Book 22
Now keep track of your cash balance easily. No need to keep adiaryto note down your expenses. Now record your cash transactionusingsimple cash in and cash out feature of this app. This app canbeused by businesses as a cash register, to record daily salesandpurchase, to keep track of credit given to customers or theadvancegiven to their staff. Individuals can use this app to keeptrack oftheir income and expenses, to maintain their monthly homebudget.Users can create multiple accounts like home, office.Filterentries date wise. Search entries by notes. Entries can bedeletedor edited. Attach bills with entries. Generate and sharereport inpdf and excel format. Calendar to view date wise entriesof allaccounts. Share backup and restore it in case you changeyourdevice.
Credit Debit-Customer Credit Ledger Account Book 252
This app can be used to maintain your customer credit, debit,ledgeraccounts, manage debt. Replace your traditional ledger withthisdigital ledger cashbook. This ledger cashbook app is ideal forsmallbusinesses, shopkeepers, wholesalers, retailers anddistributors. Itcan also be used to manage personal debt. Doesyour business involvegiving or receiving credit? Do you lend moneyto your friends andforget to collect it? Have you ever forgottento collect or make apayment? If you need an app to manage debt ormaintain yourcustomer's ledger accounts and keep a record of allyourtransactions with any person or company then Credit Debit isthe appfor you. Now, send payment reminder with completetransactiondetails and bills/receipts to your customers andrecover debt/dueamount faster. Business can also generate invoiceand share it withtheir customers. First, users have to createaccount for which theywould like to make credit or debit entries.Accounts can be createdusing contacts. Users can also create anddefine category for eachaccount. Few examples: 1. User cancategorize accounts as customersor suppliers. 2. If a user hasmultiple shops. He/She can putaccounts of different shop underdifferent category, this willenable user to sort and viewcustomers of different shops. Data andprivacy protection: All yourdata is stored either in your device orin your Google drive folderand not in our server, so that no oneexcept you can access yourdata. A widget can be added to homescreen for fast and easytransaction entry. With all accounts andtheir current balance ondashboard, it only takes a glance to knowhow much a person owes toyou or you owe to that person. With thisledger cashbook: • It'seasy to know your creditors and debtors withseparate tabs forcredit /deposit and debit/due accounts. • Just tapon account inthe list to add transaction for that account. • Userscan writesmall narration and also save photo of invoice, bill,receipts etc.for each transaction. • Users can also sendtransaction details toparty after each transaction. • Transactionentries can be easilyedited or deleted. • Users can view balanceafter each transactionin transaction report. • Select daily,weekly, monthly or customdates to generate, share or printtransaction reports. • Write yourbusiness expenses in cashbook. •Generate report in excel and pdfformat. • Send payment remindersand call your debtors andcreditors directly from the app. • Userscan set self reminder foreach payment and the app will send areminder on due date on devicehome screen. • Google Drive Backupand Restore. So that users don’tlose their data even if they changetheir device. • Data can alsobe saved locally in device. • Emailpassword and Finger printpassword protection. • Can be usedoffline.
Invoice Bill 15
This app is ideal for shopkeepers,retailers and distributors.Withthe help of this app users can easily create a bill or estimateofcustomer's order and share it with them. Now,no need torememberthe price of every item in your stock.Just add item and itspricein the app once and the app will automatically tell you thepriceof the item when you add the item to the list. Users can alsoadddiscount for each item. Users can easily add,edit or deleteitems.Users can create and share business card to grow theirbusiness.